Hexodo domain name has been registered since the beginning of 2015. According to them, they have started business in 2013. They are registered in the Netherlands. The host provider provides KVM based on KVM Architected VPS and dedicated server rental, data center is Netherlands (I3D machine). Currently, host providers provide lifetime 25% discount codes for VPS hosts. All VPS support monthly payment, and the default currency of the website is Euro.


Let’s take the lowest 512M package as an example to take a look at its configuration and discount information.

CPU: 1 core

Memory: 512MB

Hard drive: 10GB SSD

Monthly traffic: 500GB/1Gbps

Virtual architecture: KVM

IP/Panel: 1IPv4/SolusVM

【Order】Purchase link

Coupon code: 25LETOFF1   Test IP:

The above discount code is applicable to all VPS packages. Users in the European Union will add taxes. Domestic customers who register first and choose China will not add taxes by default. Because independent servers do not support discount codes, I did not post them. The actual price is similar to the official I3D price, and it is probably the machine in the computer room of the agent. However, it should be noted that I3D’s Dutch machine does not seem to be protesting.


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