UltraVPS is a VPS site opened by Versaweb in the middle of last year. Versaweb is an old IDC in the United States that provides server rental and hosting. It was founded in 2008. The data center includes Vegas and Seattle . UltraVPS provides products based on the KVM architecture. Currently, the hosting provider has released a limited-time lifetime 40% off discount code on WHT, with a minimum of 512M after the discount. The annual plan is only $16.

Let’s take the 512M package as an example to take a look at its configuration and preferential information.

CPU: 1 cores

Memory: 512MB

Hard drive: 10GB SSD/RAID10

Monthly traffic: 1000GB/100Mbps

Virtual architecture: KVM

IP/Panel: 2/SolusVM

Coupon code: MAR60OFFAN  

Test IP: Vegas)

[Purchase link]http://www.ultravps.com/ssd-vps.php

The above discount code is valid until March 31st, with a lifetime discount and the same renewal price. The host provider’s discount information on WHT seems to have written the wrong configuration. The configuration here is subject to the official website page. UltraVPS all provide products using pure SSD disk group RAID10. DDoS protection IP (10Gbps/2Mpps) can be added to the package, and the price is US$3/month. Manual review is enabled for the user's first order, and subsequent orders are automatically reviewed.


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