Russian-Cloud is a new VPS sales site opened by free-www, which mainly provides services based on OpenVZ architecture product, the data center is in Russia Novosibirsk, domestic telecom and China Unicom have good access speed most of the time. What is especially written at the beginning of the article is that the biggest feature of this business is that the price is cheap and the line is good most of the time. However, it is a toy type and the product stability is average. This is why the blog has never shared it free-www< One reason for ept9>.


The configuration information of several packages is listed below.

  • CPU: 1core(500MHz)
  • Memory: 256MB
  • Hard drive: 5G SSD
  • Traffic: Unlimited/100Mbps
  • Architecture: OpenVZ
  • IP/Panel: 1IPv4/???
  • Price: 4.7 yuan/monthPurchase link
  • CPU: 1core(600MHz)
  • Memory: 512MB
  • Hard drive: 10G SSD
  • Traffic: Unlimited/100Mbps
  • Architecture: OpenVZ
  • IP/Panel: 1IPv4/???
  • Price: 7.2 yuan/monthPurchase link
  • CPU: 1core(800MHz)
  • Memory: 1GB
  • Hard drive: 15G SSD
  • Traffic: Unlimited/100Mbps
  • Architecture: OpenVZ
  • IP/Panel: 1IPv4/???
  • Price: 12.5 yuan/monthPurchase link
Test IP:

The host company charges in rubles. For example, the lowest model of 45 rubles is only 4.69 yuan according to the exchange rate. The above prices are all converted into RMB based on rubles. Note that its CPU also limits the frequency. There is no traffic limit, and the price is very good. It is low and supports monthly payment, PayPal payment, WHMCS backend, non-instant activation. But once again, it is a toy VPS, so your expectations should not be too high. It is possible to open a blocked IP and not change it, or the quality of different IPs may vary greatly. If you are interested in this kind of toy VPS, you can also take a look at, which also has KVM architecture and the price is also very low.


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