LocVps is a Chinese VPS hosting provider. The domain name comes from the HOSTLOC forum. It provides VPS products based on the XEN architecture Xensystem system. The data center is in the Los Angeles MC computer room, domestic The speed is good. Currently, LocVps offers a lifetime discount of 40% for its 512MB package and a lifetime discount of 30% for its 1024MB package. After the discount, 512MB is only 39.2 yuan per month.
The configuration information of these two preferential packages are provided below.
CPU: 2 cores
Memory: 512MB
Hard drive: 30GB
Monthly traffic: 500GB
1 IP/Xensystem
Coupon code: locvps40
CPU: 1 cores
Memory: 1024MB
Hard disk: 50GB
Monthly traffic: 900GB
1 IP/Xensystem
Discount code: locvps30 Test IP:
Click to go to the global vps official website→
The above price is very impressive, and it is a lifetime discount, and the renewal price is the same. In addition, the 512MB package only supports Linux, and the 1024MB package supports Linux or Windows operating systems.