Recently, the $2 VPS released last year by DS (directspace) is very popular. Many people are buying it at a high price. Of course, many people have changed hands. Good VPS contacted an owner who wanted to sell this VPS, and the price for an empty account was actually set at 150 yuan. It's really staggering, you know, this is just one account, plus one month ($2) of VPS usage fee.
Since it is out of print, I am naturally very curious about its performance and is it worth the money? I believe that everyone, like me, is eager to find out. TodayGood VPS specially borrowed this out-of-print VPS from the fourth brother to do a simple review for everyone.
Before testing, we need to first understand some information about DS(directspace) 2-dollar VPS. First of all, DS (directspace) 2 dollars is divided into monthly payment and annual payment. Some friends have monthly payment, and some have annual payment. Another difference is that the DS (directspace) launched in the early stage has a guaranteed memory of 512MB and a burst memory of 1GB. The burst memory of the later model is 512MB, which is equal to no burst.
Today, the VPS I got from Hao VPS is a monthly payment model with $2 monthly renewal, no bursts, guaranteed memory of 512MB, located on node12, with an independent IP address.
[Hen Memory]First, let’s take a look at the hen memory. As you can see from the picture below, the hen memory is 7.78GB
【CPU information】
[Port speed]
[Disk I/O]
[Comprehensive summary]
After the above test, the overall performance of this VPS is quite good! Especially at the price of only $2/month, it is totally worth it. It is fully capable for personal website building, or occasional tossing. However, we all know that DS’s $2/month VPS is officially no longer on sale. The only ones left are those purchased last year. Currently, the seller’s price for an empty account has reached RMB150. Is it worth buying? Let’s analyze it below.
【Value Comparison】
First, we set the current RMB to US dollar exchange rate to 6.5, then $2/month is equivalent to RMB13 yuan/month. Let’s review DS, which is currently the cheapest at $4/month, equivalent to RMB26/month. At the current VPS purchase price of 150 yuan for 2 dollars, you can purchase it for $4/month, a total of 150/26 = 5.76 months, almost half a year! Now, we calculate based on one year of use, $4/month*12*6.5=312 yuan, $2/month*12*6.5=156 yuan. However, if we add in the account acquisition fee of 150 yuan, what we paid in the first year is equal to 156+150=306 yuan. If you compare it, the difference between 306 yuan and 312 yuan is only 6 yuan!
After the above speculation, we can draw a conclusion, that is, the $2/month you purchased will be used at the price of $4/month in the first year, and it will not be considered real until the 13th month. Enjoy $2/month! It is also worth noting that DS (directspace)’s current $4/month VPS provides 2 independent IP addresses, which is one more independent IP than $2/month. At the same time, although DS’s $4/month product is not available every day, it is available every month. They will all be in stock at some time and purchasing is quite easy.
I believe friends who have read the above content will have a good idea of ​​whether this $2/month out-of-print VPS is worth buying, and at what price you can buy it.
【Friendly reminder】The above comments only represent personal opinions and cannot be used as a basis for your buying and selling.
***Thanks to Brother Four for kindly providing the product for review!

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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