Last year, I frequently introduced news about VIRPUS because it was the first VPS used by this blog, Good VPS Tribe, and I have been using it for a long time. VIRPUS is an old American VPS hosting provider founded in 2006. It currently provides linux XEN, OpenVZ and windows system products including Kansas and Los Angeles data centers . I have introduced VIRPUS's The XEN-512 package is only $4.50 per month.
Let’s take a look at the configuration information of this XEN-512 package.
CPU: 1cores
Memory: 512MB
SWAP: 1024MB
Hard drive: 30GB
Monthly traffic: 1000GB
2 IP/SolusVM
Discount code: LEBXEN912 Test IP:
Click to go to the virpus website→
Currently, only the Kansas node is available based on the XEN architecture, but The order page has stated: Available in LA soon. What can I say about VIRPUS? Users of some foreign blogs and forums generally have good feedback, and they have mixed reputations among domestic user groups. Judging from the annual paid OpenVZ currently held by good VPS, the online rate is good, but the disk DD performance is not ideal. This is also the reason for the difference in evaluation between China and foreign countries. Foreign countries do not like to use a DD for constant testing, and Chinese users use The parameter count=4k, others use count=1m, the difference is not the slightest.