1. Cleverly decipher the startup password of any computer  
A small trick to cleverly decipher the startup password of any computer without any tools or discharge. When any computer needs a password to startup, just open the case and put the inside Unplug the sound card or any other part, and then power it on. After the motherboard self-test, force shutdown, plug the unplugged parts back in, and start the computer. The password will be automatically cleared, and it will work every time.

2. Let your keyboard speak  
After facing silent computers for a long time, we will inevitably get tired. If the content you are typing is read out word by word (letter) by the system, can you still enter the wrong content in silent fatigue? Take a little-known "Narrator" in Windows  2000/XP as an example to teach you how to DIY a completely free voice keyboard.

 Enter "narrator" in "Run" and click "OK". Click "OK" to skip and then invite the protagonist of this article─"the narrator". If your speakers are turned on, what do you hear? If you don't want to hear it, press the Ctrl key. Try pressing any key again. The letter keys you entered will be read out by the system in standard American English. At this time, a completely free voice keyboard will be born in your hands.

 Third, quickly close unresponsive programs  
"Start → Run", enter "Regedit", open the "Registry Editor", create a new string value Waittokillapptimeout under HKEY-CURRENT-USER, and set its key value is 1000(ms) or less.

Allow forced shutdown  
Enter HEKY-USERS.DEFAULTControl  Paneldesktop, create a string "AutoEndTask", and set its key value to "1". For a real crash, you can generally only press the "Ctrl+Alt+Del" key combination twice or press the "Reset" key on the main chassis (because it consumes less resources, the former takes precedence) to restart.

Automatically restart when the system crashes
  Enter the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetC-o-n-trolCrashControl primary key, modify "AutoReboot" in the right window, and change its key value to "1".

4. Some little-known magical uses of the ESC key
For ordinary users, the ESC key located on the upper left side of the keyboard is not commonly used, but do you know? In fact, you can also perform many quick operations with the help of the ESC key!
      1. When surfing the Internet, if you click on a wrong URL, just press the ESC key to stop opening the current web page.
      2. When surfing the Internet, it is inevitable to fill in some user names. If you make a mistake, press the ESC key to clear all the contents in the box; When typing, if you make a mistake, you can press the ESC key to clear the wrong word selection box.

      3. In addition to the "Ctrl+Alt+Del" key combination that can bring up the Windows Task Manager, pressing the "Ctrl+Shift+Esc" key combination can also start the Task Manager.
      4. When a program is not active and we want to restore it to active state, press the "Alt+Esc" key to activate it The application title bar without having to click with the mouse.
      5. For pop-up windows with a "Cancel" option, if you want to choose to cancel, just press the ESC key to perform the "Cancel" operation .

5. Speed ​​up the power on and off 

When shutting down in Windows  To speed up the boot time, you can set up automatic end of tasks first. First find HKEY_CURRENT_USER  Control PanelDesktop and set the key value of AutoEndTasks to 1; then there is "HungAppTimeout" under this branch and change its value to " 4000 (or less), the default is 50000; finally find      HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetControl, and also set       WaitToKillServiceTimeout to "4000 "; With this setting, the shutdown speed is obviously much faster.

6. Increase broadband speed

The professional version of Windows XP reserves 20% of the bandwidth by default. In fact, this is of no use to us individual users. Especially if it is left idle, it is better to make full use of it.
Enter gpedit.msc in "Start → Run" to open the Group Policy Editor. Find "Computer Configuration → Administrative Templates → Network → QoS Packet Scheduler", select "Limit Reservable Bandwidth" on the right, select "Properties" to open the Limit Reservable Bandwidth Properties dialog box, select "Enable", and change the original " 20" to "0", thus releasing the reserved bandwidth.

7. Optimize Online Neighborhood

When using Windows  If these functions are of little use to us, we can delete them. Find
      VersionExploreRemoteComputerNameSpace in the registry editor and delete it (Printer) and {D6277990-4C6A-11CF8D87- 00AA0060F5BF} (scheduled task), restart the computer and access Network Neighborhood again, you will find that it is much faster.

8. Speed ​​up the startup speed

To speed up the startup speed of Windows XP. You can achieve the goal by modifying the registry. In the registry editor, find  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE—SYSTEM—–Current—-ControlSet—Control—-Session Manager—-Memory Management—–PrefetchParameters, on the right Find the EnablePrefetcher primary key and change its default value of 3 to 1, so that the scroll bar scrolling time will be reduced;

9. Automatically close the stop-response program 

Sometimes, XP will prompt you that a certain program has stopped responding, which is very annoying. By modifying the registry, we can let it close itself. In HKEY_CURRENT_USER—–Control Panel—-Desktop, change the character key value to the numerical data of AutoEndTasks. If it is 1, just log out or start again.

10. Speed ​​up the menu display speed

In order to speed up the menu display speed, we can set it as follows: We can find the "MenuShowDelay" primary key under HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl  PanelDesktop, and change its value to "0" to speed up the menu display speed.

11. Clear unused DLL files in memory 

In the registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion, add an item AlwaysUnloadDLL in Explorer and set the default value to 1. Note: If the default value is set to 0, this function is disabled.

 12. Speed ​​up pre-reading ability and improve boot speed

 Windows XP pre-read settings can increase system speed and speed up boot time. Modify according to the following method to further take advantage of the efficiency of the CPU:      HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSessionManager
In the right window of refetchParameters, change the numerical data of EnablePrefetcher as follows, such as using PIII 800MHz CPU The above suggestions are to change the numerical data to 4 or 5, otherwise it is recommended to keep the numerical data as the default value of 3.

13. Reduce items loaded at startup
Many applications will be added to the system startup group on their own initiative during installation, and will run automatically every time the system is started. This not only prolongs the startup time, but also system resources have been consumed after the startup is completed. Lose!

Start the "System Configuration Utility". The "Startup" item lists the projects and sources that are loaded when the system starts. Check carefully whether you need it to load automatically. Otherwise, clear the check box in front of the project. The fewer projects will be loaded. The startup speed is naturally faster, and this item needs to be restarted to take effect.



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