is a free space in the United States. The main feature of this free space is that it requires forum registration to post. In the process of applying for free space , you must fill in the forum user name and Password, in addition, the space must be applied for with the top-level domain name, TK domain name can be passed.
The space provided by uses a powerful DA management panel, which is divided into 4 types, including 300MB, 400MB, 800MB and 1200MB in size. The monthly traffic is 2GB, 4GB, 5GB and 7GB respectively. The number of other parked domain names, The number of databases and email accounts are also different. Mini space (300MB) provides 3 subdomain names, 3 suspended domain names, 3 MySQL databases, and 6 Email accounts.
Space registration address:
Because I need to post in the forum, I have not applied, so there is no demonstration. Friends can test it by themselves, but similar requirements The space maintained by posting can generally last a relatively long time.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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