
1. 36kr ( Currently the most popular technology blog in China, it is a blog website that mainly introduces domestic and foreign Internet entrepreneurship news. It has established its own 36Tree Internet entrepreneurship financing and investment community. The name 36krypton comes from the 36th element "krypton" in the periodic table, and its chemical symbol is Kr. The legendary Krypton is the hometown of Superman. In addition to providing free news reports for entrepreneurs, the "36 Krypton Open Day" hosted by them provides a very good platform for early Internet startups to launch their products and is held every month in major cities across the country.

2. Tech2IPO ( tech2ipo positions itself as a "technological innovation and entrepreneurship media". Tech2IPO is the abbreviation of Technology to IPO. It aims to report on early-stage entrepreneurial companies, find innovative entrepreneurial companies, and pay attention to entrepreneurial companies and entrepreneurship. In addition to information and entrepreneurial experience, it also provides entrepreneurs with one-stop services for finding people, finding money, and finding publicity.

3. Things about the Internet ( Focus on cutting-edge information on the Internet, the essence of the Internet, and exchange product experiences! This is the theme of the Internet Things website. This positioning is relatively broad. Unlike the first two, which are positioned in news reports about startup companies, Internet Things are positioned to focus on the IT industry, news happening in the Internet industry, and attention to Internet products. Design, user experience, marketing, models and other more practical things allow Internet practitioners to find what they want here.

4. i Dark Horse ( A website platform that was just launched on February 6, 2012. He has a background in "Entrepreneur" magazine since he was born, and also has the strong strength of Dark Horse Fund as a background. From the project From discovery to project innovation, to project reporting, project diagnosis, and experience sharing, the last and most direct thing is that he can raise funds from the right team. The i Dark Horse, who was born with a golden key, is destined to become a dark horse in the technology blogging world. He doesn't need to be acquired, he just needs to be determined to acquire other people.

5. Technode Technology ( Mainly reports on the latest technology news, startups, investment dynamics and industry trends in China and Asia. Technode Technology also pays great attention to and aims to lead cutting-edge technologies and business models. Such as social media, mobile Internet, e-commerce, augmented reality, etc., TechNode is not only a reporting platform, but also a very real recruitment platform. The sharing platform and various conferences held from time to time are indispensable for entrepreneurial enterprises. A great platform for on-site communication.

6. Unreliable business ( Although the name is unreliable, the content is still relatively reliable. All the innovative applications it reports are specifically assigned to each application scenario category. From government applications to environmental protection applications to the retail industry, the categories are clear at a glance. Business is unreliable. Compared with other technology blogs that focus on entrepreneurship, they pay more attention to entrepreneurial ideas. Every report is an idea, and for startup companies There is little interest in management, product design, etc., but it is still very helpful for finding creative ideas.

7. Techwom ( This name is quite distinctive, Wamu: Nuwa, the human goddess, Techwom means the goddess who breeds technology. Science and Technology Wamu mainly focuses on mobile Internet. It covers everything from mobile Internet content, model, operation to product development management. Children's shoes who are concerned about mobile Internet can check it out.

8. Lei ( It was established by a group of mobile Internet believers, including investors, observers, product managers, senior players, and entrepreneurs. We will objectively and keenly record every day of the mobile Internet. His "Special Topic" column is quite interesting and has a lot of thought put into it.

9. Ifanr ( Ifanr was founded relatively early and went online in October 2008. It won the Sohu Outstanding Independent Blog Award in 2009. It currently focuses on mobile Internet and focuses on reporting entrepreneurial teams. Trendy smart handhelds and the coolest Internet applications, with a deep understanding of the industry ecology, smart products and mobile applications. One of the more distinctive columns is "Onsite", which reports on various press conferences and on-site meeting trends.

10. Moonlight Blog ( Moonlight is a typical technology blog that must not be missed. It is a model for individuals to make their first pot of gold by building a blog. It is a personal IT blog that mainly discusses computer technology and Internet technology. Comment blog, an original IT comment blog focusing on the Internet and search engine industry.

11. Web Analytics in China ( The focus is very distinctive and specific. It is a technology blog that only focuses on website analysis. It has all the experience, tools, methods, and training of website analysis. If you want to know more about it, For website analysis content, you can check out their blog.

12. Niche software ( It is a small site that focuses on sharing free, compact, practical, interesting, and green software. It provides affordable benefits for everyone. It does not require the complexity of starting a business, nor does it require innovation. It's so hard work, just find useful software and everyone can use it directly.

13. I Love Boiled Fish (fairyfish.NET): I Love Boiled Fish is an IT blog that focuses on the application of WordPress open source blogging platform and the Internet.

14. Different Dimension Software World ( A blog recommending high-quality software resources.


1. TechCrunch


Hosted by the famous Michael Arrington, it mainly focuses on high technology, especially entrepreneurial enterprises in the field of Web2.0. TechCrunch is essentially a website serving startups. Some commentators believe that an article by Arlington can make or break a company. On the other hand, Arrington has also been selling TechCrunch to large companies. There have been rumors that AOL and MySpace want to acquire the blog, and the market has valued the blog at tens of millions of dollars. From the perspective of blog value, TechCrunch has become a model of independent blogs, and its well-known contributors also include Erick Schonfeld and others.

2. Read Write Web

HTTP:// write

Hosted by Richard MacManus, another well-known technology blogger. This blog usually publishes in-depth analysis articles rather than news articles. The scope of articles includes Internet technology, products, trends and major company dynamics, etc. Compared with other American technology blogs, this blog has paid significantly more attention to the Chinese Internet recently. For example, the blog had earlier raised the possibility of conflicts between Chinese SNS websites such as Xiaonei, Hainei and Kaixin and Facebook.

3. Silicon Alley Insider


Compared with TechCrunch and Read Write Web, Silicon AlleyInsider was founded later, going online in July 2007. However, since it is known as the "Silicon Valley Insider", this blog must have its own unique features, that is, insider information and exclusive news. The blog website contains significantly more explosive news than similar blogs. In a series of large-scale events such as the Microsoft acquisition of Yahoo, it has been "dead without shocking" in a series of large-scale events. The founders of this blog are Kevin Ryan, DwightMerriman and Henry Blodget.

4. O’Reilly Radar

Hosted by Tim O’Reilly, the “Father of Web 2.0”. O’Reilly himself is currently the CEO of O’Reilly Media, and has been fully promoting the development of open source technology in recent years. This blog post does not focus too much on large IT companies or products, but mainly on new trends in the IT field.

5. GigaOm


The blogger is Om Malik, a well-known technology industry journalist and "Enterprise 2.0" expert. This blog focuses on the development of new technologies, how businesses use Web 2.0, and the impact of technology on the economy. This blog currently requires an agent to access.

6. ValleyWag


A blog owned by Gawker Media Network, focusing on rumors and news about Silicon Valley companies and famous figures. The blog's article style has also been controversial, with some false rumors or too harsh comments causing trouble for corporate or Silicon Valley executives. For example, the blog recently published a series of articles slamming Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg.

7. VentureBeat


The founder is Matt Marshall, a former reporter for the San Jose Mercury News. This blog mainly tracks global venture capital, especially the situation of Internet startups receiving venture capital. This blog also has extensive coverage of the Chinese venture capital market. Since the San Jose Courier-Journal itself has a strong Silicon Valley flavor, Marshall had a head start in establishing VentureBeat. In addition, Marshall's experience as a journalist makes the blog's articles very news-like.

Blogs owned by major websites

1. BoomTown


The blog of Wall Street Journal reporter Kara Swisher (also her personal column). Swisher has worked for the San Francisco bureau of the Wall Street Journal since 1997, and co-sponsored the "D: All Things Digital" conference, which is widely influential in the IT industry, with Walt Mossberg. Swisher has a good relationship with many Silicon Valley executives, and some people call her a "close friend" of Facebook COO Sandberg. Swisher's blog mainly focuses on the news of major companies such as Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, Amazon, eBay, etc. She released a lot of inside information on the Microsoft and Yahoo merger battles, but Swisher herself obviously hates Yahoo CEO Jerry Yang.

2. Bits


A blog owned by The New York Times. Pay more attention to the development and profitability of IT companies in the digital era. Coverage includes startups, large enterprises, government policies, and the application of technology in global markets.

3. The Tech Beat

HTTP://和_thread/tech beat/

The blog of "Business Week" is jointly written by several "Business Week" reporters. Pay attention to the truth behind science and technology news events and the analysis of news events. This blog is one of the mainstream media technology blogs, covering market leaders such as Apple, Google, and Intel, as well as emerging leaders such as Facebook.

4.Between the Lines

HTTP:// l/

ZDNet's blog mainly focuses on the dynamics of large companies, such as Microsoft, Intel, Apple, etc. The three contributors are Larry Dignan, Sam Diaz and Tom Steinert-Threlkeld. Among them, Dignan is the editor-in-chief of ZDNet, Diaz is a senior editor of ZDNet, and Steinert-Threlkeld is an IT industry reporter with more than 20 years of experience. This also makes this blog post quite authoritative.

5. The Social


A blog owned by CNET, the blogger is New Yorker Caroline McCarthy. McCarthy believes that the Internet should be able to help people's daily lives, so community websites such as Twitter and Facebook are the focus of this blog. She also pays attention to New York's unique local Internet culture.

6.Beyond Binary


It is also a blog owned by CNET, and the blogger is CNET editor Ina Fried. During his tenure at CNET, Fried had sex reassignment surgery. This blog focuses on how technology changes lives, with a particular focus on what's going on at Microsoft.

Part news site, part blog


The website's name is a Latin phrase meaning "the art of technology." The website is dedicated to original IT news and reviews, as well as in-depth analysis of technology trends. ArsTechnica was founded in 1998 by Ken Fisher. The site was acquired by media company Condé Nast Publications in May this year.

2. The Register


A British technology news website whose news is similar to a blog. The site was founded in 1994 by John Lettice and Mike Magee as a technology newsletter via email. The site's articles are full of British irony, such as frequently referring to Google as "the world's largest text advertising agency."


HTTP://wuwuwu.Web pro

WebProNews is a website that mainly focuses on Internet commerce and search engines, including search engine optimization, search engine marketing, social media marketing, advertising and online branding. It is worth mentioning that this website often quotes Internet market development reports from various research institutions and analyzes the reports. However, the site is less timely in reporting many daily news.

4. Techdirt


This website was created in 1997. According to Techdirt's own introduction, the website employs a group of analysts from technology, communications and media industries to provide all useful information in the information age. As a survivor of the Internet bubble, Techdirt still retains many characteristics of the Web 1.0 era. In fact, the website is more like an IT forum. The articles on it are usually not too long and have obvious emotional content. His articles cover a wide range of topics.

5.Search Engine Land

HTTP://search engine

A blog dedicated to reporting on the development of the search engine field. The blogger is Danny Sullivan, a journalist with 11 years of experience in search engine reporting. This blog covers search engine marketing, search-related issues, and the search engine industry.


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