EMSVPSI once introduced in my blog that this is a Chinese IDC. Now it is no longer one man. It is a registered company and operates normally. After being corporatized for a period of time, Hao VPS discovered that EMSVPS's product line has become much richer. The US VPS provided includes San Jose T2 computer room, Fremont He computer room, Los Angeles PR computer room, and CA Cogent Co Many other options.
We saw among the discounted products that a XEN-based VPS with unlimited traffic is only ¥40 yuan/month, which is a great value.
Memory: 128MB
Hard disk: 10GB
Bandwidth: 100Mbps
Traffic: Unlimited
1 IP/XenServer
[Purchase link]Direct access to EMSVPS official website
[Test IP] Jose T2) Los Angeles PR)
In addition, for other VIP packages of EMSVPS, you can use the lifetime 10% discount code: EMSGOOD to have it at a more affordable price.
The official website currently releases the menu and link for the domestic preparation-free case VPS, but there are currently no products available for ordering. However, after asking Mr. Dan, I learned that the domestic preparation-free case VPS , will be launched around the 28th-29th of this month. It requires high-speed VPS. Friends who don’t like trouble can pay attention. The current price has been customized (¥120 yuan, 512MB memory, 30GB hard drive, etc.). You can visit the official website to check the specific information.