Some time ago, a reader left a message about Pagoda Software . He replied that he would make a sharing introduction, so he tried to install it. Pagoda Software ( provides server management panels under Windows and Linux system platforms. It is free to use, easy to install, and has an intuitive interface. I personally tested the installation under Linux system and Windows. This article uses Linux as an example. However, the software official has its own official website and detailed introduction. I only recorded my own operation process. For detailed usage and help suggestions, refer to the official website.

After the installation is completed, use IP + port 888 to access the management panel. For the first visit, you need to set the login password and other information. After completion, enter the management panel as shown below.
The use of the panel is very simple. You can directly add websites, FTP, databases, etc., and you can also directly upload and download background file management.
Official website:


I also installed it under Windows. The test machine was a certain KVM, and the installed operating system was Windows 2003. However, there were twists and turns. I directly downloaded the software and installed it, and it prompted me to ask for NET Framework 4.0. During the installation, I was prompted to ask for WIC, and I downloaded wic_x86_chs.exe. The installation was completed, and then the NET Framework 4.0 was installed again. However, an error message was still reported when the Windows version of the Pagoda Server Management Assistant was installed again. I am relatively familiar with Windows systems, so I just gave up and did not try again.


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