XeHost is an excellent VPS host provider in China, which can be seen from the popularity of the VPS hosts he launched! The Dallas lifetime 50% discount launched a few days ago was sold out in less than an hour, and there were still people asking for help on global hosting forums. I just received the news from XeHost that the latest Los Angeles Psychz computer room VPS is online!

The VPS hosts provided by XeHost this time start from 256MB. The computer room is in Psychz, Los Angeles. It is based on the XEN architecture and has excellent domestic access speeds. In conjunction with the currently released lifetime 15% off discount code, the lowest monthly price is only ¥51 yuan! (Original price ¥60 yuan/month) Annual payment is even more discounted as low as ¥480 yuan/year!

Memory: 256MB
Hard disk: 10GB
Monthly traffic: 200GB
1 IP/SolusVM

【Coupon Code】xehost85 (15% off for life)
【Test IP】
256MB product purchase link→
This discount code is applicable to all VPS packages in the computer room in Los Angeles, California. Products of 512MB and above support Linux or Windows system installation. It is reported that this is also the last time that the official installation of Windows system for users is free. In the future, Linux and Windows system VPS will be distinguished and priced differently!
512MB product purchase link→

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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