HostHatchThe domain name has been registered since 2011. Good VPS Gathering first introduced him in 2013. This year is also softlayerHong Kong VPS In this hot year, some foreign VPS hosting providers also launched softlayerHong Kong VPS, HostHatch is one of them. Now he has also launched a memory upgrade campaign, such as the lowest 256M memory package. If you pay quarterly, you can upgrade the memory to 512M for $8 for free.
Let’s take VZ-SSD1# as an example. The minimum quarterly payment is $8, and you can now upgrade the memory for free.
CPU: 2 cores
Memory: 256MB
vSWAP: 256MB
Hard drive: 30GB SSD
Monthly traffic: 1TB/1Gbps
Virtual architecture: OpenVZ
IP/Panel: 1/SolusVM
The above is the standard configuration. After quarterly payment, you can upgrade to 512MB of memory for free (submit a work order application). The original 512M package is upgraded to 768MB, and the original 1GB package is upgraded to 1.5GB. There are currently several merchants selling softlayer Hong Kong. Softlayer Hong Kong The bandwidth is sufficient, but most of them are purchased by Chinese customers, and there are more misuses of bandwidth sharing. I just tried an Australian IP, and the ping value is also very good. You might as well give it a try. In addition, I need to remind everyone that IPv4 resources are limited, so IP broadcasting is now very popular. IP query is from the United States or Germany. Ping and tracert can prove the location of the machine. Is there anywhere in the United States that can achieve 40 to 50 millisecond ping? Even if you pull a dedicated line yourself, it won’t work.