Because VPSAA's recently launched hosts all use independent servers + DirectAdmin panels, in order to avoid forgetting, I will record some of the DA difficult problems and solutions they encountered recently, and I hope to Help for others with the same problem.
1. How to manually clear DirectAdmin user monthly traffic?
DA traffic is automatically cleared at the end of each month (natural month), but sometimes you encounter some problems and may need to clear it manually. For example, if you restore the user's backup at the end of the previous month at the beginning of this month, you may see traffic I have used it a lot, last month, and listed the clearing methods and command operations. Please log in to the server via ssh.

echo 'action=reset&value=all' >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue
#Run the above command to clear the monthly traffic of all users
echo 'action=reset&value=username &type=user' >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue
#Run the above command to clear the monthly traffic of a single user (please replace username with the user name you want to clear)

After completion, if it cannot be displayed immediately, please restart DirectAdmin.
2. What should I do if DirectAdmin prompts that the user already exists or the domain name already exists when adding a domain name?
Sometimes, when adding a domain name, it is prompted that the domain name already exists, or when setting up a host, it is prompted that the domain name exists and cannot be opened. This is due to a problem with the DNS configuration file of DA. The solution can be viewed from the following.


Check whether there are existing domain names in the two directories above and delete them if so.
Log in to DA (as administrator), find the management tools and DNS management respectively, enter and search if there is an existing domain name, delete it!
3. The DirectAdmin user website cannot be opened, why does httpd not start?
When Hao VPS was operating DA the day before yesterday, due to a manual error, all user websites were inaccessible, but the login to the DA panel was normal, and the server status was monitored as httpd stopped. When I tried to start it manually, an error was reported: /sbin/service httpd start 2 >&1
Restart httpd directly on the ssh command line:

service httpd restart

Still getting an error, the content is probably a user configuration file error. OK, it is relatively simple to know the reason. It turns out that the directadmin-vhosts.conf file was not updated in time when the account was deleted.
The solution is to go to the directory file /etc/httpd/conf/extra/directadmin-vhosts.conf, delete the redundant IDs, save it, start httpd, and it will be OK.
The above are some of the difficulties that VPS encounters when using DirectAdmin. I cannot list them all. I will update this article directly for subsequent questions. At the same time, everyone is welcome to share the problems they encountered and their solutions!

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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