According to news from the Internet, after half a year, China Unicom is about to launch a new 3G package - Class C package, which will be launched on the 10th of this month.
It is reported that China Unicom announced yesterday afternoon that it will launch 3G basic package C suitable for local users on December 10, and will lower the monthly fee threshold of the original 3G basic package A and B to 46 yuan. At the same time, China Unicom will gradually launch 3G wireless network card half-year and annual card rates from December 15 on the basis of the original 3G wireless network card monthly package.
In fact, this is not the first time that China Unicom has adjusted the overall 3G tariffs.
At the end of September 2009, China Unicom officially launched an overall 3G tariff plan that is different from 2G positioning. At the end of October 2009, one month after China Unicom's 3G network was officially launched for commercial use, its 3G users exceeded one million. In the following three months, the growth rate of China Unicom's 3G users continued to exceed the growth rate of 2G users.
However, after three consecutive months of rapid growth, China Unicom’s 3G subscriber growth reached an inflection point in February 2010, and the growth rate slowed down significantly. From March to April, although the growth rate of China Unicom's 3G users increased compared with the previous month, the growth rate was not optimistic. In other words, only half a year after 3G was officially commercialized, China Unicom inevitably encountered resistance.
After this, China Unicom began to consider adjusting and optimizing its 3G operation strategy—no longer focusing solely on high-end users, but investing some of its energy in the mid- to low-end user market. On May 1, China Unicom began to implement a new 3G tariff plan, including adjusting the 3G basic package, adding a 36 yuan data package, adding a 96 yuan iPhone package, adjusting the wireless network card first month billing rules, etc. After the adjustment of the "3G basic package", the monthly fee threshold has been reduced from 96 yuan to 66 yuan, and package A, which contains more data traffic, and package B, which contains more voice calls, are distinguished.
In addition to the adjustment of the overall tariff system, China Unicom has also launched large-scale promotions in various sales channels for mobile phones in various price ranges and their packages in the form of "pre-deposit phone charges to get a mobile phone" and "purchase a phone and connect to the Internet to get free phone charges".
After China Unicom adjusted its operating strategy, some industry insiders once pointed out that "China Unicom's 3G user growth will bottom out within a few months." The operational data in the following months also show that the effects of China Unicom's adjustment of its operational strategy have been reflected - except for July, the increase in 3G users from May to October exceeded one million.
The relevant person in charge of China Unicom's marketing department said that an obvious change after adjusting the 3G basic package and iPhone package in May is the steady growth of the monthly net increase in the number of Unicom's 3G users. He said that after adjusting the 3G basic package and 3G wireless network card package again in December, China Unicom's 3G user growth expectations will be "more optimistic."
It is understood that the 3G basic package C launched by China Unicom is divided into three levels: 46 yuan, 66 yuan and 96 yuan. Compared with the original A and B packages, C package includes more local voice minutes, retains the structure of Unicom's 3G packages such as domestic long-distance, city, long-distance fixed-price, and domestic free calls, and the data traffic is equivalent to that of the same package B. .
After China Unicom adjusts its tariff system again, the applicable groups of its 3G basic packages will be roughly divided into three categories - users with large 3G Internet needs but relatively small voice call needs can choose Package A; those with large volume of voice calls Users who have certain 3G Internet access needs can choose Package B; users who do not travel frequently for business roaming and make many local calls can choose Package C.
Good VPS has been using the 96B package. Personally, I think the 450 minutes of calling is pretty much the same. The excess I have every month is less than 100 minutes. As for the free 80MB of Internet traffic, I rarely use it. I usually use WIFI, so It's enough. I think it would be better if the price was reduced to 96 yuan, or a free bell would be included. Anyway, type A package is not suitable for me. Maybe type C package will be good in the future. Let’s wait and see for now~

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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