In fact, the Google image search function has been online for many days. I have always wanted to introduce it, but I am afraid that many children will use this function to do some...not good things. After much thought, I decided to share this very good feature here.
[google image search address]
The above is the page for google image search, so how to use the image search function? First, we see there is a small camera in front of "Search Pictures". Click on this camera, and the interface as shown below will appear:
As we can see in the above picture, there are two ways to input source images: pasting the image URL and uploading the image.
· Paste the image URL: It means to paste the absolute address of the image source file into the search box;
· Upload the image: This is simple, click and find the local Just upload the image file.
After confirming the input, search and you should find webpages with this picture or similar pictures. How about it? It’s very powerful!
There is also Advanced at the back, which are some advanced functions. You can also try them. Finally, a good VPS reminds you: Do not use it for human flesh!

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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