400IDC is a sub-site of 80VPS. It provides VPS products based on OpenVZ (linux) and and Phoenix City, etc., have good domestic speeds. In December, 400IDC issued another promotional code, a XEN HVM-1GB package that supports Windows systems for only 70 yuan per month, and has 5 independent IPs.

Let’s first take a look at the configuration information of this XEN HVM-1024 package.

CPU: 2 cores
Memory: 1024MB
Hard drive: 40GB
Monthly traffic: 1000GB
5 IP/SolusVM

Discount code: 400IDCCX   Test IP:
Click to go to the official website of the hosting provider→
The XEN HVM architecture product data center provided by 400IDC is in Los AngelesUBI computer room, if you need OpenVZ products, you can read the October article of the VPS tribe: Review of the previous situation , the discount code is also applicable to the OVZ package, with a monthly minimum of only 21 yuan.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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