InterServer is a long-established overseas hosting provider, founded in 1999, providing virtual hosting, VPS and independent servers. The data centers include the West Coast of the United States Los Angeles , New Jersey, etc., and the domestic speed is good. The Good VPS Tribe introduced product information about it once each in 2011 and 2012. Recently, the host company released some first-month discount information. You can purchase a minimum OpenVZ architecture product for $0.01, or Purchase a Windows system product for $0.02.

Let’s check the configuration information of these two VPS respectively.
Linux VZ376—$0.01/first month, $6/month for renewal

CPU: 1 cores
Memory: 376MB
vSWAP: 376MB
Hard drive: 25 GB
Monthly traffic: 900 GB
1 IP

Windows XEN752—$0.02/first month, $22/month for renewal

CPU: 1 cores
Memory: 376MB
vSWAP: 376MB
Hard drive: 25 GB
Monthly traffic: 900 GB
1 IP

Discount code: forumoffer12   Test IP: Angeles) Jersey)
Click to go directly to the official website→
InterServer provides good domestic speeds for Los Angeles, especially for telecom customers. The discount code is only applicable to the above packages. Pay special attention to the first month discount. If it is 0.01 permanently, it is impossible... However, interested friends can also take a look at his XEN and KVM architecture linux and windows operating system, the product line is very rich. InterServerBackend VPS management is a simple page, but all commonly used functions are available and very intuitive.
Finally, I would like to remind everyone, order if you need it. Don’t stock up on goods in the first month after seeing such a low price. It is really bad and affects the international image of the Chinese people.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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