PhoenixNAP is what we call Phoenix SS computer room, its two domain names (SecuredServers), I searched, and I haven’t written about this company in blogs for more than three years. In fact, it is an old foreign computer room that provides a large number of server rental services. In recent years, host companies have also provided free services. DDoS protection (20Gbps), the lowest monthly payment for a dedicated server starts at only $46.
Here we list the configuration information of several independent servers.
Configuration one   $46/month

CPU: Dual Intel G6950
Memory: 4GB
Hard disk: 500GB HDD
Monthly traffic: 15TB/100Mbps
IP: /29(5 available)
【Order】 Purchase link

Configuration 2   $56/month

CPU: Intel Xeon Order】Purchase link

Configuration Three   $64/month

CPU: Intel Xeon E3 1230v2
Memory: 8GB
Hard disk: 500GB HDD
Monthly traffic: 15TB/100Mbps
IP: /29 (5 available)
【Order】Purchase link
Test IP:   Download test

For the above three machines, configuration three or configuration two is more recommended for their cost performance, depending on whether you need a better CPU or more disk space. All machines can directly upgrade the hardware configuration during the ordering process. The host provider provides 24x7x365 support and web customer service. It has also been online for a long time. I bought their machine once before. It seems that the IPMI provided cannot be mounted by myself. The computer room needs help to mount the ISO. I don’t know if it has changed now. Welcome to use Phoenix SS< Shared by readers of ept0>Computer Room Server.


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