FlowVPS is a foreign VPS service provider registered in Australia, and the product data center provided is also in Australia. Good VPS Gathering also shared it once last year. The merchant domain name has been registered since 2013. It currently provides VPS hosts based on the KVM architecture and uses NVMe hard disk, the website uses Australian dollars for billing by default. Currently, merchants are offering preferential promotions on LEB, with a monthly payment of AU$5.5 (≈US$4.22) for a 2G memory model.
The configuration information of the two hosts is listed below.
The IO of the NVMe disk should be guaranteed, and it is more powerful than the SSD we commonly use. The merchant also provides IPv6, the host has a default port bandwidth of 1Gbps, and a non-direct line to China. In addition, in the ordering link, by default only Linux is not available as a Windows system option, and it is not confirmed whether it is selectable in the panel.