Xiaoma Technology is located in Taiwan. The company is located at No. 122, Zhonghe Road, Zhonghe District, New Taipei City. It currently has more than 20 employees, including 7 technical staff based in Australia and North America. The company mainly provides high-traffic solutions. Now the North American computer room is connected to the mainland's three-network direct connection line, and the total capacity has reached 580Gbps. On the occasion of the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day, the company provides a 10G exclusive server promotion. Those with large bandwidth needs can take a look.

· CPU: Intel Xeon E5 26xx
· Memory: 96GB
· Hard disk: 3TB SSD
· Monthly traffic: unlimited/10Gbps
· IPv4: 5
· Official website: www.xiaoma.tw

I randomly found a test file provided by the hosting provider and tried downloading it on the machine, as shown below (the test file of the other party's merchant has a really big opening)


The computer room is directly connected to the three networks. The merchant said that the machine bandwidth is exclusive. If you have demand for this kind of volume, you can contact the merchant directly for testing. Readers often say why there are only those cheap and low-end machines. This time this is the most expensive machine I have shared since the establishment of the website...


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