The day before yesterday, Hao VPS introduced netorigin. This domain name comes from Australia's IDC, because they launched a 50% discount code the day before yesterday, and it is a lifetime discount, and the renewal price is the same (but unfortunately, this discount code will be released in the next few years) It will expire after an hour! ), so the original price of $7.95/month becomes $3.98/month, which is pretty good.
Due to delayed payment and a letter from IDC saying that there are not enough IPs and waiting for new IPs, I finally got this VPS today. I like this IDC. It is very good. I will take the initiative to purchase my next one. The payment cycle is changed to the 13th. Although it is only 2 days, this also proves in detail that this is a reliable IDC. Okay, let’s stop talking nonsense, let’s talk about this VPS.
I purchased this VPS from Good VPS. The IP comes from Los Angeleswebnx computer room. It seems that this computer room is quite popular recently! I don’t know what will happen when a large number of Chinese people influx in the future, but for the time being it is very good. The ping value of a good VPS here is 190, which is very stable. Below is a review of this VPS .
[VPS configuration]You can see the hen memory status
[CPU information]I7 eight-core, awesome!
【Download Speed ​​Test】
From the various tests of a good VPS, this VPS is considered a great value at only $3.98/month. It takes 29 minutes to compile the LNMP0.7 one-click package, which is a good result. The probe speed is also very good (I won’t post a demo because I’m in the middle of it!)
***This VPS is 50% off for life. Since there are too many idle VPSs on hand, this VPS is for transfer. If you are interested, please click QQ on the right to contact us!

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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