According to the news released by the veteran of the global forum [Big Beard], COPAHOST offers a dedicated server with a minimum of only 7.35 euros for the first month. Although it is a little more expensive than Burst’s $1 first-month dedicated server, the purchase procedure is much simpler. In addition, there is a constant rush to buy VPS. It is also very useful to buy a cheap one first and practice playing chicks. Necessary, so, I am sharing this news here.
COPAHOST is a German hosting provider. Its main website is also in Germany, and the hosting, VPS and servers provided are also located in Germany. Good VPS shares with you the information of cheap server . The first-month server configuration of this 7.35 Euro (≈ RMB62.7 yuan) is:


[First month discount code]CARNIVAL85
[Purchase address] cart.php?a=add&pid=17  (first month €7.35, renewal €49)
[Demo] <x2 >  (Thanks to NBVPS for providing)
In addition to this one, there are two other models that are also applicable to this offer: Core2 Duo E6300 / 100Mbps / Unlimited GB traffic / 2GB RAM / 400GB HD (use discount code 10.35 for the first month) Euro), Core2 Quad Q8300 / 100Mbps / Unlimited GB traffic / 2GB RAM / 400GB HD (first month from 11.85 euros with discount code).
Of course, don’t have too many expectations for such a cheap server, just use it for practice. Finally, I would like to thank [Big Beard] for sharing this information, [NBVPS] for providing the test address, and the sharing platform [Global Hosting Forum].

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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