VPSIO is a Chinese IDC, belonging to Sichuan Taiqing Information Technology Co., Ltd. (established in 2009). It got involved in the VPS industry in 2012 and also made American VPS products. Good VPS Tribe introduced it last year, but , since the end of last year, the hosting provider has focused its products on domestic VPS, providing domestic VPS based on XEN and KVM architecture. Currently, the hosting provider has once again launched Yangzhou Telecom KVM architecture products, starting from 65 yuan per month.

To be honest, this VPS is definitely not for tossing or practicing. The price is not cheap. The computer room has a whitelist to assist in filing. It can be used by regular sites. We share the configuration information of a K1024 package.

CPU: 3 cores
Memory: 1024MB
Hard drive: 35 GB
Monthly traffic: 800 GB
1 IP/SolusVM

Test IP:
Click to go to the vpsio official website→
This time, Yangzhou Telecom’s KVM supports windows or linux systems (the K512 package is only linux). If you find it troublesome to install the KVM system, you can also choose XEN architecture package, the computer room has a whitelist, and access is only granted after registration. Because the kvm512 package is out of stock, I share the configuration information of the kvm1024 package. The first 15 users who purchase will also receive an extra domain name for Accelerate VIP service!
Yesterday I wrote the wrong price. The official homepage said 169 yuan, but the order page said 65 yuan. Fortunately, Xiaoye reminded me, hehe! Hen has 100M bandwidth and RAID10 disk array, which is very powerful. Here are the screenshots of these two tests.
【Bandwidth Test】 For domestic VPS, just get domestic files. Here I download QQ directly and you can see the bandwidth situation, which is quite powerful.
[IO test]Test results using two commands

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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