I have been blogging for so many years, and the part about VPS has been there for several years, but due to personal factors, it has always stayed at a superficial level. Most of my readers are newbies. In order to make it easier for novice friends to understand, I have always wanted to sort out some of the more concerning questions that I need to ask myself and the hosting provider when purchasing overseas VPS. I will just include some here. If you have other questions, you can also ask them in the comments of the article. I will directly Updated in the article, I will convert the article to a page later. However, please note that these answers are only based on my personal superficial understanding and are not authoritative. They are only for reference by readers and friends, or they can be viewed as a joke. There are some questions that you need to ask yourself, and there are also some interesting questions that you want to know about the hosting provider.

1. What is VPS? What is a self-managed VPS?

VPS is a virtual server. I saw an article on the Internet a long time ago and I thought it was very interesting. What he was criticizing was a Chinese host company introduced by Zhao Rong Zhiju. The original words were as follows: xx host company is rubbish. They divide and sell servers from abroad... I think this is quite funny and popular. It is said that VPS is divided into servers. Is there a problem with this? For example, if you don’t even have basic common sense, you are obviously not suitable to buy a VPS.
Regarding self-managed VPS and unmanaged products, Zhao & Rong’s personal understanding is that unless the machine hangs up or the network is disconnected, other problems need to be solved by oneself.

2. Do I need an overseas VPS, or why do I need an overseas VPS?

First of all, give yourself a reason for why I bought an overseas VPS, such as learning Linux, or learning to set up an environment, or even scientifically surfing the Internet to learn more about the truth, etc. These are all reasons. Which one do you start with? You should have a basic positioning. This positioning is related to the product location or configuration you need. If you just want to build a personal website and don't like the fuss, I personally think virtual hosting would be a better choice.

3. Do I need a US VPS or a Hong Kong VPS (or Asia VPS)?

American VPS generally has larger bandwidth and cheaper price (relativity theory); Hong Kong VPS has fast domestic access speed, but limited bandwidth. Therefore, it is very necessary to choose according to your own needs.

4. Do I know enough about the rules and risks of purchasing overseas VPS?

Foreign hosting providers selling overseas VPS generally support PayPal or credit card (dual-currency card) payment, and a very few also support Alipay. A considerable number of foreign hosting providers review accounts and manually activate hosts, etc. Do you agree and accept these rules? Do you have any of these payment accounts? Do you accept that the manual review activation time is longer than 24 hours? These are all things to consider. Those who are accustomed to using false and random information may have their accounts terminated at any time, or direct orders may become fraudulent orders immediately after submission. In addition, although there are very few people who do well in running away, it is not absolutely impossible. Can you bear the risk on your own? As an adult, if you regret or have a tragedy after making a purchase, scolding the person who told you the information has to make people doubt your IQ and ability. At least you should make your own decision to pay after considering it and bear all possible consequences. Consequences and Responsibilities.

5. Should I buy a VPS from a foreign hosting provider or a VPS from a Chinese hosting provider?

I think each has its own advantages. Chinese VPS hosting providers generally support Alipay, which facilitates payment; Chinese VPS hosting providers generally have Chinese pages, Chinese panels, and Chinese work orders for customer service support, which facilitates communication... However, many friends do not trust Chinese hosting providers. , there are many reasons for this, such as running away, or poor service, etc. I personally think there are many subjective reasons. I believe that there is a difference in the difficulty of expressing the same problem in English and Chinese, and China IDC will definitely bear it. I have more "obligations", so I have to consider this myself.

6. Does foreign VPS support refunds? How did you withdraw?

Some friends often leave messages on blogs asking about refund issues. Regarding this issue, I suggest that users first read the hosting provider’s terms of service before purchasing a VPS. Foreign hosting providers generally refer to TOS (Terms of Service) and AUP (Acceptable Use Policy). ) etc. Generally, there is a link to the TOS page on the homepage. Read the refund section carefully and confirm the specific matters according to the terms. Most refunds require submitting a work order application within a limited time. Any refunds that do not comply with the terms of service All requests may be rejected and are reasonable. Some service terms have clearly stated that if there is no refund, if you want to return the product after buying it, it will only be said that you are being unreasonable, so you can avoid disputes by looking at it clearly before taking action.

7. Are VPS resources exclusive? Such as CPU, memory, hard disk, bandwidth, etc.

This question is actually very contradictory. These days, memory is not valuable, and hard disks are not valuable either. The hen configuration can be higher. However, the CPU cannot be replaced at will, and the bandwidth cannot be increased infinitely, so the resources can only be considered theoretical at best. Exclusive, in fact it’s more of a peak value. Anyway, that’s what I think, and I won’t ask the hosting provider such an embarrassing question. How should they answer it? It's not like saying it's exclusive, but you feel uncomfortable saying it's shared, but the fact is that all VPS share hen resources. If you're a germaphobe, it's best to choose a dedicated server (actually, I think the bandwidth of a dedicated server is strictly shared, otherwise You can ask the computer room how much bandwidth is allocated to a cabinet and how much bandwidth a computer room has).

8. Why is the download speed of the VPS I bought with 2M bandwidth only 200KB/s?

Many friends still ask this common sense question. In fact, the most convenient thing is to ask your broadband operator, such as China Telecom. The unit of bandwidth is Mbps. To convert to MB/s, divide by 8. For example, 1M download is 128KB/ s, this is still a theoretical value and does not take into account objective factors at all. Generally, it is normal at 100KB/s. I have to talk about the bandwidth of American VPS here. For example, most American VPS have a bandwidth of 100M (peak, shared). Does this mean that my home also has 100M telecom optical fiber, so downloading files on the VPS can run up to 10M What about /s? The answer is impossible! If you have similar expectations, don’t buy an overseas VPS, just buy a domestic one. Domestic download speeds in the United States are affected by factors such as China-US lines and there is no guarantee! Yes, you read that right, there is indeed no guarantee (because no one on the line has the ability to guarantee it)!

9. Is there any limit to the content that can be placed on VPS? Such as pornography and adult content.

If you buy a VPS from a foreign hosting company, you should determine what content is allowed according to the terms of service. Not all regions can store adult content; if you buy an overseas VPS from a Chinese hosting company, I can tell you except for the prohibited content. In addition, anything that violates national laws and regulations is not allowed. Although the country where the server is located allows it, Chinese hosting providers do not allow it! You have to ask, why? You are in China, and others are in China. You are not afraid of checking the water meter, but others are! Therefore, when doing these contents, please do not harm our compatriots.

10. Does VPS cause convulsions? Is there any overseas VPS that doesn’t cause convulsions?

This is a joke, at least I think so. As I say at the end of each article, "All overseas network products cannot guarantee the same access experience in any region, at any time, and on any broadband in China. The pursuit of perfect experience for domestic products is Your best choice, those who claim that a certain computer room will never have convulsions are either liars or idiots." I insist on similar remarks. Therefore, when asking similar questions, you don’t need to ask the host provider. Just ask yourself whether you can accept it. No host provider can solve the problem of the line, and it is an uncontrollable factor.

11. How many people can access this VPS configuration?

There is no answer to this question. The number of visitors is only part of the factor. It is also related to PV, web page size, environmental component parameters, optimization degree and many other aspects. Let me answer this question with a paragraph from the boss of emshost:
(1) A static The resources (CPU, memory, etc.) consumed by an HTTP request (HTML, JS, pictures, etc.) and a dynamic (ASP, PHP, etc.) HTTP request differ from several to dozens of times.
(2) Note that the above is an HTTP request, not a page visit (1PV). The number of HTTP requests generated by each visit may vary several times.
(3) The PV generated by one IP may differ several times. Maybe your website IP and PV access ratio are fixed and the number of PV can be calculated based on the amount of IP. Even if it can be calculated, it is meaningless. The reasons are summarized above. and summarized below.
(4) Different website programs have different load capacities. Generally speaking, static HTML consumes far less resources than dynamic programs (PHP, ASP, etc.). The resources occupied by different static web pages are roughly the same. The gap in the resources consumed by different dynamic website programs is relatively large due to the large base.
(5) The same website program, different settings, consume different resources. Taking Discuz and DedeCMS as examples, there are prompts for load-related settings in the background of the website.
(6) Different web servers have different load capabilities. Generally speaking, the resource consumption of commonly used web servers on Linux is as follows, APACHE > Lighttpd ≈ Nginx.
(7) The same server environment (Web, DB), different setting parameters, may consume different resources.
*Note: The "same" and "different" mentioned in each of the above are assuming that other factors are completely consistent (obviously, such assumptions are limited to theory, so they cannot be used in actual calculations at all. ).
Based on the above reasons, some users want to calculate the related required resources based on the conditions of "the same website program" and "the number of a certain PV or IP". The answer here can only be that it cannot be calculated.
Finally, I suggest you build your website seriously, build a regular website or a new website, try to choose a domestic VPS, follow the registration process, and stay away from the trouble of convulsions.


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