The domain name was registered in June this year. It has not been long ago, but it is a big deal. There are 26 computer rooms to choose from in many countries and regions around the world. , the product is based on KVM and OpenVZ architecture. During the Christmas period, the host provider issued a 50% discount code. After the discount, the KVM architecture 512M package is only US$2.5/month (1G or above supports Windows).


Below is a list of several KVM product information with lower configurations for your reference.

  • CPU:1core
  • Memory: 512MB
  • Hard drive: 15GB/RAID10
  • Traffic: 1TB/1Gbps
  • Architecture: KVM
  • IP/Panel: 1IPv4/SolusVM
  • Price: $2.5/monthPurchase link
  • CPU:1core
  • Memory: 1GB
  • Hard drive: 30GB/RAID10
  • Traffic: 2TB/1Gbps
  • Architecture: KVM
  • IP/Panel: 1IPv4/SolusVM
  • Price: $5/monthPurchase link
  • CPU: 2cores
  • Memory: 2GB
  • Hard drive: 60GB/RAID10
  • Traffic: 3TB/1Gbps
  • Architecture: KVM
  • IP/Panel: 1IPv4/SolusVM
  • Price: $10/monthPurchase link
Discount code: CHRISTMAS50   Test information:

To be honest, it was opened not long ago, and it has made great progress. I don’t know if it is reliable. Everyone is welcome to give feedback after buying it, such as whether it is activated immediately, how is the customer service response, etc. There are many nodes. I have provided an official page for test information. You can test and choose by yourself. There are too many to list one by one, including Singapore, India, Hong Kong, the United StatesLos Angeles, Las Vegas, Seattle, Chicago, the United Kingdom, Germany, Ireland, Denmark and so on.


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