This article is reproduced in full. The original text comes from Xiaoye’s blog. Friends who need domestic products can try it. Alibaba Cloud ’s VPS has good stability and fast domestic access speed.

Alibaba Cloud is here. You can use it for half a year with a minimum cost of 5 yuan. You can only open China North 2 (Beijing), China East 2 (Shanghai), and South China (Shenzhen). You can choose from three areas, and they only have 1M bandwidth. The requirements are a new account, real-name authentication, and a Sesame score of 620 or above. As long as you buy a half-year OSS, you can activate ECS for free.

Note: A newly registered account is required. Each mobile phone number can register 5 Alibaba Cloud accounts. Each Alipay can only play with one account. For more purchases, please use the lover, nanny, aunt's trumpet... When purchasing goods, please choose OSS, and it only takes half a year. Only 5 yuan.

Discount plan

  • Core: 1 core CPU
  • Memory: 2GB
  • Hard drive: 40GB
  • Traffic: Unmilited
  • Port: 1Mbps
  • Architecture: Xen
  • Price: 5 yuan/half year
  • Teleport: Click here to play wool

There are already many people in the Xiaoye blog group who have successfully masturbated. If you also successfully get on the bus, please celebrate with the account below. If you were unsuccessful, please provide an explanation or the reason for the overturn.

Beijing node, free ECS demo:

Xiao Ye successfully registered 2 new accounts using different mobile phone numbers and different Alipay account authentications.

The above full text is reproduced from:


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