MPserv is a foreign VPS hosting provider. The domain name has been registered since 2011. According to LEB reports, it has been in business for more than 2 years. It provides many products, including virtual hosting, VPS, and independent servers. etc., there are also dedicated voice servers and game servers as well as DDoS protection services (DDoS protection has two areas including Chicago and Los Angeles). We mainly focus on VPS. The host company has released exclusive discount product information for LEB. The following information is transferred from LEB, which includes two cheap annual payment models, the lowest one is only US$4/year.


The configuration of the $4 annual payment package is indeed a bit sad. Let’s take another $7 annual payment package as an example to list its configuration information.

CPU: 2 cores

Memory: 256MB

vSWAP: 256MB

Hard drive: 15GB/RAID10

Monthly traffic: 250GB/100Mbps

Virtual architecture: OpenVZ

IP/Panel: 1/SolusVM

Coupon code: LEB256   Test IP:

[Purchase link]

MPserv's VPS hen uses E3 1240v2 CPU, 32GB memory, 4 1TB disk groups RAID10, the price of adding additional IP is 1.5 US dollars/unit, the data center except < In addition to bpt3>New York, you can also choose Dallas. The hosting provider supports PayPal payment, and the refund time limit is 5 days. If you want to buy, you can also read their terms of service.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS

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