80VPS is a Chinese VPS host provider that provides VPS based on XEN architecture and using XENSERVER panels. The data centers include Los Angeles, Fremont, San Jose and Seattle on the West Coast of the United States. Domestic access speeds are very good. Recently, 80VPS has been having constant promotions. For example, the Seattle 50% discount has just been launched. After using the discount code, a 256MB XEN only costs 25 yuan per month.

The configuration of this Seattle VPS includes (original price ¥50 yuan/month).

CPU: 1 cores
Independent memory: 256MB
Hard disk: 15GB
Monthly traffic: 150GB (5Mbps guaranteed, 20Mbps peak)

[Discount code] seattle(50% off for life)
Click directly to the 80vps official website→
The host provider provides test IP, and the ping value response from all over the country is good.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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