After waiting for half a month for Alibaba Cloud12.18, I woke up in the morning and found that there was nothing wrong with me. The renewal discount is for at least 10 months of use. However, the latest price of Alibaba Cloud has been Adjustments have been made, and the lowest price has been reduced to 55 yuan/month, which is quite a big drop. At the same time, you can also have a chance to get a free order if you purchase today. In the good VPS tribe, no matter what kind of cloud it is, I call it VPS (in Alibaba Cloud it is called cloud server ECS). Alibaba Cloud's current optional areas include Hangzhou and Qingdao nodes. There is nothing to say about the domestic access speed of domestic nodes. A good VPS tribe is built on Alibaba Cloud's Hangzhou node.


The latest Alibaba Cloud ECS price after 12.18 is only 55 yuan per month for the lowest price, and the annual payment is 10 months for 12 months. Let’s take a look at the minimum configuration information.

CPU: 1 core

Memory: 512MB

Hard drive: Linux 20GB   windows 40GB

Bandwidth: 1M

Independent IP: 1

Others: Free cloud shield

Click to purchase Alibaba Cloud →

Alibaba Cloud ECS is a domestic node and needs to be registered for use. If the rule station wants to be stable and fast, I personally suggest that you can honestly file a case and put it in Alibaba Cloud. Regarding bandwidth, the 1M here refers to outbound, and there is no limit on inbound (the actual measured inbound running is 20M without pressure). In addition to fast speed, Alibaba Cloud's after-sales service is also very good. Work orders submitted in the background will be processed 24 hours a day; the configuration can be upgraded at any time as needed. For example, you can upgrade the bandwidth during a specific time period, even if it is only upgraded for one day. Yes; all cloud server ECSs provide cloud shield for free, which can help resist small traffic attacks.

In addition to releasing new prices, if you purchase between 8:00 and 20:00 today, the system will give you an opportunity to order free every five minutes. If you have the ability to develop, you can also apply for its 100 million yuan support plan; there are also some discounts for old user renewals (but you need to have used it for more than 10 months to have the opportunity), and sites using Alibaba Cloud can also apply to join the Cloud Dream Wall ( This is for installation B only...).

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS

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