Yiyou Network is a VPS hosting provider operated by Chinese companies. It provides XEN architecture-based servers for use in many computer rooms including domestic Sichuan/Chongqing/Hubei Telecom, Jing'an/Xinfei, and American He/webnx/Co. XENSERVER panel VPS products, all products support the installation of Linux or Windows operating systems.
Currently, Yiyou Network has issued a lifetime 20% off discount code for all its XEN products. After using the discount code, you can purchase a XEN in the San Jose computer room in the United States every month It only costs 50.4 yuan, while another VPS from China’s Sichuan Telecom only costs 80 yuan per month.

CPU: 2 cores
Memory: 512MB
Hard disk: 25GB
Monthly traffic: 500GB

[Discount code]20off
Go to Yiyou official website→
The above configuration comes from the domestic Sichuan Telecom computer room, located in the Mianyang four-star data center, Domestic VPS computer room whitelist, Yiyou Network provides registration support, this discount code is also applicable to other domestic and US data center VPS products. Currently available computer rooms: domestic Jing'an BGP, Yiyou BGP, Sichuan Telecom, American webnx, He, SanJose.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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