Oplink.net domain name has been registered since 2001 and has been registered until 2020. The host provider provides cloud-based VPS products, using OnApp solutions, and the data center is in Texas, USA. Houston. The hosting provider’s package price is not low, but there are currently some discount codes available. Based on personal needs, you can choose a lifetime 50% discount or a first-month discount code of US$1 (the first-month discount is only applicable to deposits within 1G and 2G).


Let’s take the 1GB memory package applicable to the first-month $1 discount code as an example to take a look at its configuration and discount information.

CPU: 1 core

Memory: 1GB

Hard drive: 40G SSD (SAN Storage)

Monthly traffic: 100M unlimited

Virtual Architecture: OnApp Cloud

IP/Panel: 1IPv4/OnApp

Coupon code: ONEBUCK ($1 for the first month)   SUMMER (50% off)   Test IP:

【Purchase link】https://www.oplink.net/vps.html

Note that the first-month discount only applies to 1GB and 2GB memory packages, while the lifetime 50% discount applies to all. For 4GB and 8GB packages, he can create 2 and 4 VMs respectively, OplinkAll packages provided come with 100M unlimited traffic. I have to say important things three times. $1 is only for the first month, and the renewal fee is the original price. Don’t overthink it.


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