Prometeus is an old foreign hosting company. It has been in the top of LET voting for many times in 2013 and 2014. It has good user reviews. The introduction of Good VPS Gathering began in 2012, but this company is still really old and is currently published on LEB. The special packages celebrate their 18th anniversary. In addition to the two special packages of Italy , they also provide a 12% off down payment discount for the entire site.
Let’s first look at a ItalianMilan special package prepared for this 18th anniversary, direct purchase without codeXEN 1.8G memory package with monthly payment 6 euros.
CPU: 4 cores
Memory: 1.8GB
Hard drive: 180GB/RAID10
Monthly traffic: 1.8TB/1Gbps
Virtual architecture: XEN PV
IP/Panel: 1/SousVM
The above special package is only available in Milan, Italy, but I will also post the test IPs of his other two data centers for everyone to choose. Prometeus also owns iwStack and XenPower. This time the host provider provides a special discount for all platforms, 18% off the down payment (18% One Time Discount), the discount code is: 18OneOff, Let me remind you again, it is a down payment discount , not a lifetime discount. If you choose monthly payment, it will be the first month, if you choose annual payment, it will be the first year, and the next month or next year will be the original price.