Maxthon is a Chinese VPS hosting provider. It was registered in Australia by Shy Brother. It provides VPS based on the XEN architecture Xensystem system. It supports Windows and Linux systems. The data center includes Los Angeles MC and UBI, etc., have good domestic speeds. As the New Year approaches, Maxthon console launches a lifetime 45% off discount code. A XEN-512 package is only 44 yuan per month.
Let’s repeat the same thing and share the configuration information of this VPS.
CPU: 1 cores
Memory: 512MB
Hard disk: 20 GB
Monthly traffic: 400 GB
1 IP/Xensystem
Discount code: 45OFF2013
Test IP:
Click to go to Maxthon official website→
The above discount code Applicable to all packages, lifetime discount, same price for renewal, all hens use G port bandwidth, choose Los Angeles UBI to double the computer room hard drive (40GB), and you can also purchase additional IP (contact customer service). In addition to conventional disk products, there are also SSD hard disk VPS options. Maxthon Host was established earlier and has a good reputation in the market. It is a good choice for serious website development.