Gotekky is a foreign VPS hosting provider. The domain name has been registered since 2008. It provides VPS products based on OpenVZ and KVM architecture. The data center is in the Los Angeles peer1 computer room. Recently, there is not much news about Los Angeles peer1 computer room VPS. The server cost is high, and Chinese IDC is not willing to use it. However, Los Angeles peer1 is the first American computer room with direct connection to China Telecom. One of them. There are some digressions, let’s take a look at the VPS information we shared today. The price of KVM architecture products is not generally expensive, so we won’t consider it. Let’s take a look at the OpenVZ products it provides, the lowest Only $5.95 per month.
The lowest configuration OpenVZ provided by Gotekky is $5.95 per month.

CPU: 1 cores
Memory: 512MB
Hard disk: 5GB
Monthly traffic: 250GB
1 IP/SolusVM

Test IP:
[Purchase link]
In this configuration The hard drive is really a bit shabby, but OpenVZ should be able to oversell it at will, but it doesn't directly give you 50G. Maybe it means that it doesn't plan to oversell it a lot? It’s all nonsense, just take a look. However, the domestic access speed of Los Angeles peer1 is good. If you need it, you can consider it. If you think the hard disk is small, you can also consider another package with double the configuration, which is US$9.95 per month.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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