We mentioned earlier that applying to GAE is quite easy, right? You just need to receive a verification code on your mobile phone and it will be a little more troublesome later. In this article, we will talk about uploading. How to upload the website program to GAE so that the address you just applied for can be accessed. Here, I Take the micolog blog program as an example.
GAE upload program is different from the virtual host we purchased. The general space is point-to-point upload, while the GAE space is point-to-group upload. It needs to be built locally first. environment.
Setting up the environment is also quite simple. It mainly involves downloading and installing python and GAE  SDK. I will give you the official download address here.
python2.51 download address: http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.5.1/python-2.5.1.msi
GAE  SDK download address :http://code.google.com/intl/zh-CN/appengine/downloads.html
After downloading, double-click and continue the installation process. After installing this With two programs, the local environment is already set up.
Now let’s talk about uploading the program. First, we need to download the website program. Here I take micolog as an example. This blog program is good, almost the same as WP. You can download this program here: http://micolog.xuming.net/zh-cn This is the author's blog. In addition to the website program, there are also themes and plug-ins, which are very good. .
After downloading, we unzip it to the default location of GAE installation. For example, in my case it is C:Program FilesGooglegoogle_appengine.
At this time, we are not in a hurry to upload. We use Notepad to open the app.yaml file and change the first line application: followed by the application ID we just applied for, such as: zr-blog, as shown in the picture:

Ok, let’s open the Google App Engine Launcher (when we installed it just now, there was a shortcut on the desktop, right? If not, it’s in the Start Menu – Programs), open the subsequent interface, select File, Add Existing Application , Browse to select the folder where our website is located. . . Then Add, as shown below after completion:

We press the RUN button on the panel. After a while, the website will be running. At this time, you can click Browse to test locally. If there is no problem when downloading the site, we will click Deploy in the back box, and it will be uploaded!
In the dialog box that pops up after clicking Deploy, enter your gmail address and password, OK, and wait for the upload. After the upload is completed, go to the IE address bar to access your GAE and have a look! ! ~~
My demo address (Micolog): http://zr-blog.appspot.com/
(Big Radish Picture Sharing System): http://imzhaorong.appspot.com/

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