The Alipay official forum announced on February 28, 2012 that the original merchant interface address ( will be discontinued on March 20, 2013. Although this announcement was It's relatively early, but I believe there are still many friends who downloaded the Alipay payment interface before February 28, 2012, so I will notify you here.
Since Alipay’s dual-function interface was developed after February 28, 2012, it itself chose a new interface address. Therefore, most of the affected customers are customers with instant payment interfaces. Please purchase the one provided by VPSAAWHMCS hosts and uses the Alipay instant payment interface. Customers should pay attention to the following information.

in the file and change it to
as shown in the figure :
Save after modification and overwrite the original file.
Please note that there are 2 substitutions in alipay.php and 1 substitution in alipay_callback.php.
【Alipay official announcement】

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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