URPad is an American VPS hosting provider. Its parent company FTNHosting was established in 2008 and acquired URPad in July 2011. Forget it, I really don’t have much interest in its past and present life. A good VPS feels a bit like the left hand and the right hand. O(∩_∩)O~ We have also introduced the VPS news of URPad before. At present, , the host manufacturer launched its SSD hard disk node, which is based on the second-generation OpenVZ architecture, and the data center is in Dallas.

URPad released a discounted SSD hard drive VPS information on WHT, which is only US$6.79 per month.

CPU: 4 cores
Memory: 768MB
vSWAP: 768MB
Hard drive: 8GB SSD
Monthly traffic: 500GB
1 IP/SolusVM

Test IP:
Click the order link to go directly→
In addition to the direct discount on price, the hosting provider also has a very fucked up approach: if you are currently using another hosting providerSSD hard drive VPS, OK, you submit your final payment invoice to them, and they will give you another 2 months for free. This... is clearly trying to grab business! However, no matter how he plays it, as long as users get benefits. URPad also provides ordinary hard drive VPS in the Los Angeles PR computer room, you can check it out if you need it.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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