As we said before, godaddy's free 10G space, using win host, installed wordpress without ads, and installed it on a good VPS. I was very happy. However, the good times did not last long. I want to add an article. A picture shows that the directory does not have write permission. I immediately FTP and find the folder, properties, 777, eh! No, no matter how you change it, the permissions are still 0! ~
After transferring for a long time, I discovered that this win host cannot change the directory permissions through the FTP tool. It must be changed on the background file management page. Open GD and log in. In order, My Account, Hosting, see our host, click Manage Account at the back to enter the space management page, select File Manager under the content menu, then find the file directory we need to change permissions, and then select the above Tool Permissions, select write, read, (you can also select subdirectories and files including the directory below) as shown in the figure:

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