KVMLA is a Chinese VPS hosting provider that has been established for a long time. It is also one of the Chinese VPS hosting providers that has always adhered to the SolusVM camp. It provides servers based on the XEN and KVM architectures. VPS, data centers include Los Angeles WebNX, Psychz, San Jose, etc. Domestic speed is good. Currently, KVMLA has released a lifetime 40% discount, which is applicable to all regular packages. The discounted XEN-512 package is only 51 yuan/month (original price is 85 yuan/month).

We take a XEN-512 regular package as an example to share its configuration information.

CPU: 3 cores
Memory: 512MB
Hard drive: 20GB
Monthly traffic: 500GB
1 IP/SolusVM

Coupon code: 2YE1PZ6XRN
Test IP: Angelespsychz) Angeles webnx) Jose)
Click to go to kvmla official website→
The discount code is also applicable to KVM architecture products. The lowest KVM-512 package is only 60 yuan after discount. KVM architecture products support windows or linux operating system, while the XEN architecture is only linux systems. The above discounts are lifetime discounts and the renewal price is the same.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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