On May 3, Baidu launched a new project: Baidu Listen . Currently, this service is still in the internal testing stage and requires an invitation code to register.
[What is Baidu Ting ]
The following is quoted from the official Baidu Ting :

Born for music

We have been listening to the world since we were born, the first cry, the first babbling, the first time we hummed a pleasant melody... We are receiving the sounds of nature all the time, and this is music.
Music is a mood, a story, a period of life, a momentary touch, a momentary feeling, and a lifelong dream. Good music can touch the deepest throbbing in people's hearts. Even without words, a melody can connect each other's hearts. Sometimes we feel that music is no longer so pure, and it becomes increasingly difficult to just listen to good music.
ting! provides a pure music environment for all people who love music, conveys the best music to everyone's heart, listens to it naturally, and enjoys it...

The new social music media

ting! gives you a brand new music experience. You can listen to the latest, hottest and most classic songs aimlessly; you can also find like-minded friends to share your feelings about music; you can also express your feelings directly and convey your own feelings. musical attitude.
ting! is a new social music media. There are genuine high-quality music here, music with sincere and strong emotions; music with professional standards and careful production; music that can reflect the spirit of the times and highlight values, and All your favorite music.

ting!’s mission

All good music comes from those musicians who work behind the scenes, work hard to create every day, and regard music as their life and belief. It also comes from young people who have dreams and passion for music.
We respect and are willing to work with these outstanding musicians to build a healthy music environment, tap more musical talents, and continue to inject fresh vitality into the music industry.
ting! Have fun!

[How to join Baidu Ting]
Baidu Ting is currently in the internal testing stage. Old Baidu users can directly use Baidu account and password to log in at ting!, but they need to follow the prompts to activate the Baidu account. In addition, the official Weibo "tingxiaole" has been opened to accept user applications. It is very easy to obtain. Just follow the official Weibo and send a private message to request it.
[Baidu Listening Features]
1. Fully genuine music library; allows users to listen online, download legally authorized music, and create existing music libraries, and this service will incorporate more social network elements and other support, with " Personalized music listening experience" and "full genuine music library".
2. Age. The age represents the level of experience in listening to music online. As the time of listening to music accumulates, the age level will continue to increase.
3. Master. Experts represent the level of activity in Ting. Users can obtain expert level points by creating self-selected collections, recommending songs, albums, and musicians.
4. Four columns. Baidu ting is divided into four major columns: square, radio station, ranking list, and my Ting!. Users can enter the song name, album name, and musician name in the search box of Baidu ting! to find the information you want. You can also search for other users on Ting by looking for Ting friends.
5. Integrate Weibo elements and radio functions.
If you like it, you can check it out. Good VPS. I think the current layout of ting is quite fresh, and it is very convenient to listen to and find songs. Send an invitation code: http://ting.baidu.com/invite/5b07443f8870aad1

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