Many times, due to some special problems, we need to use agents. Everyone knows that it is easier to build a VPN with XEN's VPS, and the PPTP one-click installation package will be ready quickly. But OpenVZ is a bit more troublesome. It requires TK to activate TUN/PPP and then install it, and you may encounter some inexplicable problems.
Although I also use VPN, I personally think that VPN also has its troubles, that is, every time I connect to QQ, I have to log in again and enter the verification code. This is not as convenient as SSH . Moreover, compared to VPN, SSH account is easier to add on VPS. For those who have a VPS and want to use the proxy occasionally, you can directly use the root user and password Connection; if you have too much traffic and want to provide SSH account to friends or netizens, you may wish to pay attention to the following text.
We provide others with free SSH accounts . Security issues are the most important. Naturally, we cannot give the root password (O(∩_∩)O). So, how to use VPS How to open a SSH account with only proxy permissions? It's simple, two lines of commands help you!

useradd -M -s /sbin/nologin -n username (blue username can be modified by yourself)

#This line is to add a user with the lowest permissions

passwd username

#This line is to set the user password
Next, enter the password twice and it will be OK. An SSH account with only proxy permissions is completed.
Delete account command: userdel -r username
Regarding how to use SSH proxy to access the Internet, please go here: "CJB.NET Free SSH Proxy Online Tutorial》, I wrote it a year ago, so I won’t repeat it again. The software involved is provided with download links in the article, which is very convenient.
In addition, in the near future, Hao VPS will also dedicate a VPS to provide free SSH accounts for everyone to use as agents, so stay tuned.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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