After receiving the email from Skylar, they made some changes to solve the disk performance problem of the old server, so they posted it here again. Crissic is a foreign VPS service provider established in 2013, but it also has its own AS number (AS62639) and uses its own IP to provide low-priced OpenVZ architecture VPS products, data The center is in Jacksonville , the minimum annual payment is only $15, and it provides good configuration and 2 independent IPs.
Taking this $15 annual package as an example, let’s take a look at its configuration information.
CPU: 2 cores
Memory: 512MB
vSWAP: 512MB
Hard drive: 50GB
Monthly traffic: 2000GB
The new machine uses a Dual Hex Core Intel >, but this price is currently unbeatable. In addition to this one, hosting providers also have a variety of monthly payment packages, all of which provide 2 IPs.