I read other people's posts about playing VPS every day, and my hands were itchy for a long time. I couldn't hold back my boredom during the day yesterday, so I found someone to purchase a Burst VPS on Taobao. I mainly used it to practice. I only do website building as a hobby, so I haven’t reached the point where I need to use VPS . Naturally, I bought the cheapest version of Burst. It cost 35 yuan on Taobao. It was very fast to open. About an hour after placing the order, I received the email.
The VPS I bought is the vePortal panel. Log in with the user and password in the email. I will give you a picture. Hehe.

After buying this VPS, the system - centos-5 has already been installed. In fact, this is very simple even if it is not installed. If the VPS is really messed up in the future, we can also reinstall it ourselves. Just click OS reload directly on the panel. However, it should be noted that after doing this, all your previous data will be cleared, so be careful!
Okay, let’s get back to the subject. After getting the VPS, we already have the OS. Next, let’s install the LNMP environment. First understand what is lnmp? LNMP is the abbreviation of Linux+Nginx+Mysql+Php. After configuring the LNMP environment, we can access the PHP website source code program on the VPS, which is necessary.
Premise: We need to install LNMP and communicate with the VPS first. Here we need to SSH to connect to the VPS. I recommend using putty. It is a very small tool. It is compact and only weighs more than 400 kb. Because this tool can be used by all major search engines. If I find a lot of them, I won’t provide them for download. Briefly explain how to use this tool, run putty, fill in the address of your VPS in the Host Name, fill in a custom name in the middle, and then Save. Double-click this name to connect to the VPS. Connect After that, you will be asked to enter the user and password. Generally, your VPS provider will tell you this. Another point worth noting is that the password you enter here will not be displayed. You can just enter it completely.
LNMP installation:
First, execute the command wget http://soft.vpser.net/lnmp/lnmp0.7.tar.gz to download lnmp0.7.tar.gz to the VPS;
Then, unzip the installation package and execute the command: tar zxvf lnmp0.7.tar.gz
Next, enter the lnmp folder and execute the command: cd lnmp0.7/
Finally, execute ./centos.sh and enter For the domain name to be bound, press Enter and press Enter again to confirm. The program will automatically install and compile Nginx, PHP, MySQL, phpMyAdmin, and Zend software.
Note: The waiting time after the last step is very long. It took me almost 1 and a half hours. Some people on the Internet said 40 minutes or less. I think if the VPS configuration is higher, the time may be shorter. A little bit. At this point, our LNMP environment is OK!
Next, let’s add that installing other optional components:
cd to lnmp0.7 and execute. /eaccelerator.sh, the program will automatically install eAcelerator and execute it. /pureftpd.sh installs the pureftpd FTP server and executes it. /vsftpd.sh installs vsftpd. Because I want to minimize the installation of LNMP, I did not choose to install these.
Install virtual host: cd to lnmp0.7 and execute. /vhost.sh automatically starts to create a virtual host and binds the domain name to the specified directory (enter the domain name-"Specify the binding directory-"Set whether to enable static rules-"Select to enter WordPress-"Whether to enable log N). If the virtual host needs to customize pseudo-static rules, enter the URL to rewrite the static rule name when entering WordPress, and then add the custom pseudo-static in /usr/local/nginx/conf/customized pseudo-static name.conf rule. Or directly edit the nginx configuration file /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf.
After LNMP installation, you can use: /root/lnmp {start|stop|reload|restart|kill|status} to manage LNMP start, stop, restart and other statuses.
If you need Burst VPS, you can click here

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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