Dedispec is a business established in 2012, providing cheap server rental, VPS, etc., but the data center is in West Virginia, domestic access Generally, blogs only introduce it a year ago. This company also has its own promotional products during Black Friday. For example, several special server configurations and prices launched on Monday are very good. The monthly payment for a Dual Xeon L5630 machine is only $39.

Let’s take a look at the configuration information of this machine first.

CPU: Dual Intel Xeon L5630(8 Cores/16 Threads)
Memory: 48 GB  DDR3
Hard drive: 2 TB
Monthly traffic: 100Mbps unlimited
IP: /29 (5 Usable)
Others: None
【Order】Purchase link
Discount code: LETMonthly  Test IP:

The above discount code is valid until 11:59PM on November 29th, local time in the United States. The configuration of this machine is okay, and there is no traffic limit, but everyone in the data center should consider it by himself! The merchant has not said whether the host has IPMI. Interested readers can contact them through a ticket first. Remember to give feedback if you have any news.


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