The Internet has created a lot of myths. In the early days, there were many examples of people getting rich overnight by relying on the domain name , but now it is more difficult. Lincoln once said: "Excellent geniuses disdain to follow a path that has been traveled by others." People always like to laugh at those "idiots" who have whimsical ideas, but they don't know to think carefully about why they can't succeed if they follow the rules.
Before August 1995, registration of the domain name was free. When Tim Lee registered in 1995, he was a senior at the University of Washington and he registered the domain name for himself for free. Cool in English means calm, quiet, cool, excellent and cool. It is really a word with rich content. He was laughed at by his friends at the time. Because they really don’t understand the use of Tim’s domain name. Some people even joked like this: “Tim, can your domain name be used for food?”
They didn’t understand why Tim needed a domain name. At that time, Tim just wanted to earn enough "I almost sold it for less than $10,000." By 1996, for a year, Tim received an average of at least two calls a week, all of which were from people wanting to buy the domain name They all undoubtedly had a special liking for this domain name. He was reluctant to sell, and among the potential buyers was Continental Airlines. Finally, a trustworthy lawyer in New York told Tim that one of his clients (a well-known consumer goods manufacturer) was willing to pay $3 million in cash to purchase, so Tim transferred the domain name to $3 million. a company.
In 1996, countless people ridiculed this company: it was just seven letters and a dot, just eight symbols. It was crazy to spend so much money. But I never expected that a few years later, the domain name would be bought by another company for US$38 million, of which US$8 million was cash and US$30 million was company stock. This is really an enviable number. When each of us laments the injustice of fate, we are reluctant to be fools, haha, but from the facts, it is not bad to be a fool first!

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