Civic Innovation is a Chinese VPS hosting provider registered in 2011. It provides VPS based on the XEN architecture. It uses the Xensystem commonly used by Chinese IDC and supports linux or windows. The data center is in San Jose, domestic access speed is good. The promotional email I received from the host provider today currently provides a 30% off discount code for all packages.
Let’s take a look at the detailed information of a 512MB product (69 yuan/month after discount code)

CPU: 2 cores
Independent memory: 512MB
Hard disk: 30GB
Monthly traffic: 500GB
1 IP/Xensystem

Discount code: vpswoff7   Test IP:
[Purchase address]
The discount code is applicable to For all VPS packages provided by Civic Innovation , the lowest configuration 256MB product is only 41 yuan per month after discount, and supports the installation of windows or Linux systems.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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