CrownCloud is a foreign VPS hosting provider established in 2012. The Good VPS Tribe also introduced information about it twice last year. They are all super cheap annual payment products. Host providers provide products based on OpenVZ and KVM architecture. Currently available data centers include Los Angeles, North Carolina, Kansas and Germany, among which a 2G memory OpenVZproduct is only $7 per month.

We share the configuration information of this $7 monthly OpenVZ-2GB package.

CPU: 4 cores
Memory: 2 GB
Hard disk: 50 GB
Monthly traffic: 100M unlimited
1 IP/SolusVM

Test IP:
[Purchase link]
Provided by the host provider The OpenVZ architecture of Los Angeles and Kansas both have unlimited traffic . The other two regions have traffic restrictions. In addition to the special package I shared above, the host provider also has quite a few There are many regular packages, and the annual payment price is good; the KVM architecture product data center is only in Frankfurt, Germany, and the minimum annual payment is only US$15 for 256MB of memory, but the disk is only 2G, which is sad!

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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