Fengyun Host (vpswind) is a VPS brand established by University A, a well-known global hosting forum. It has been very popular recently. Before the website was officially launched for product sales, it took a long time Time-tested, the test data sent by netizens is also very impressive. Amid much anticipation, Ada finally officially launched sales on May 18. The VPS provided by Fengyun Host is based on the XEN architecture, including Linux and Windows systems (separate packages), and the data center is in the PsyChz computer room in Los Angeles.
Fengyun host (vpswind) was officially launched at 0:00 today, and launched a lifetime 30% off discount code. After using the discount code, a 256MB package only costs 48 yuan per month. (original price 69 yuan/month)

CPU: 1 cores
Memory: 256MB
Hard disk: 10GB
Monthly traffic: 200GB
1 IP/SolusVM

Discount code: 05187    Test IP:
Click to go to Fengyun Host official website→
A is a former DIA technician with many years of experience in the VPS industry. Not to mention technology, PsyChz line is the best in Los Angeles computer room, and the domestic access speed is excellent. Therefore, the VPS speed and stability of Fengyun Host are very guaranteed.
The discount codes launched this time correspond to different packages. The specific other discount code information is as follows:
Linux-XEN-512 Discount code: 05186   <x2 >   Price after discount: 77 yuan
Linux-XEN-1024 Discount code: 05185    Price after discount: 129 yuan
Linux -XEN-2048 Discount code: 05184     Price after discount: 207 yuan
Windows-XEN-512   Discount code: 05186         Price after discount: 89 yuan
Windows-XEN-1024   Discount code: 05185   <x2 > Price after discount: 144 yuan
Windows-XEN-2048   Discount code: 05184     Price after discount: 227 yuan

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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