HostKvm is a sub-site opened by the Chinese VPS service provider Locvps. It mainly provides services based on KVM and XEN(PV) architecture products, data centers include MC computer rooms in Hong Kong, China and Los Angeles, USA. Currently, the host provider provides a lifetime 40% discount for Hong Kong PN computer rooms KVM and XEN, and other nodes provide a lifetime 50% discount code. After the discount, the monthly payment for 1G memory XEN in Hong Kong starts at only NT$54.

We share the configuration information of several hosts, and the prices are all after discounts.

  • CPU: 2cores
  • Memory: 1024MB
  • Hard drive: 20GB/RAID10
  • Traffic: 200GB/3Mbps
  • Architecture: XEN(PV)
  • IP/Panel: 1IPv4/SolusVM
  • Price: 54 yuan/monthPurchase link
  • CPU: 2cores
  • Memory: 512MB
  • Hard drive: 20GB/RAID10
  • Traffic: 2Mbps unlimited
  • Architecture: KVM
  • IP/Panel: 1IPv4/SolusVM
  • Price: 51 yuan/monthPurchase link
Coupon code: pangnet60off (Hong Kong KVM Federation Computer Room/Hong Kong XenPV)   50off (common to all sites)

Test IP: (Hong Kong PN) (Shatin, Hong Kong) (Los Angeles MC)

The discount codes are lifetime discounts, and the renewal price is the same. XEN PV architecture hosts only support Linux systems, and KVM architecture hosts support Linux or Windows systems (1G memory or above packages).


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